Feb 27, 2012

Abigail's recital

Abigail had a recital January 28, 2012.  (I know, I'm a month behind, but hey, I'm getting it posted so that's something.) Abigail has been taking lessons for the viola since around August of 2011. (In school they don't get to start playing an instrument until 5th grade; Abigail is in 4th grade.) But there is a lady in another ward that shares our building who teaches violin and viola, so we signed Abigail up to take lessons with her.

I was so proud of how she did. She loves playing the viola, and I think part of it is knowing that most kids her age don't play an instrument yet. I know for me, I find it hard to play or sing by myself in front of people; I'm much more confident when someone else is playing/singing with me. So I'm always proud to see my children get up in front of others to share their talents.

(PS- I took pictures at the recital, but none of them turned out very well. Surprise, surprise. :( But I thought I would add a nice picture of Abigail. This was taken my my neice, Miquelle, and I love it. If only I could take pictures like a 15 year old. Lol!)


  1. YaY! Abigail! I'm glad she is finding joy in music.

  2. I've heard her teacher is pretty good :)
    Love that picture!!
