Feb 23, 2011


They might not be your more famous celebrities, but they are definitely known to us. On the rare occasions where Todd and I are in front of the TV, we sometimes watch a show called American Pickers. It's a show about two guys who go around looking through people's junk trying to find treasures. Well, Todd (he's still in Las Vegas) went out to the Pawn Star's shop (another show we would sometimes watch) today, and while he was there, he saw the guys from American Pickers. Todd only got a couple of pictures, but it was still pretty cool.

Feb 14, 2011

Personal Blog

Ok. I'm trying again. I started a personal blog about a year ago, but like this one, I never got beyond a couple of posts, but I'm giving it another shot. If you are one of the few who actually went to it before, I changed that blog address as well (I found a cuter name and I explained it on the blog.) The new blog is at justonespark.blogspot.com. I'm going to try and keep this blog for general family stuff and regular updates. The other blog will be whatever I feel like talking about. :)

Feb 11, 2011

New ideas

I'm going to let you know right up front, that I'm stealing this idea. My friend Kiersten keeps a list of the good things throughout each day. I thought that a) that would be a good idea since I'm horrible at journaling, b) it will help me remember and focus on the good things instead of just the bad, and c) it might help me get on here regularly.

Now, you may be thinking, 'I understand the first two, but how is this going to get her on here regularly?' Part of my problem with blogging has been that I think that I have to have some big important thing/event to talk about. Then, even if I do have something to talk about, I have to add a picture or something. I'm not always the best about taking pictures, but even when I do take them, half of the time they just sit on my camera. So even when I do think about posting something, because I don't have a picture handy, I decide to do it later and it never happens. BUT by doing these daily snippets, I don't have to worry about having some big, beautiful, perfect post. Hopefully, being on here more regularly will lead to me also doing more regular posts, but for now, I'm just taking babysteps. :)

Feb 10, 2011

Why I shouldn't blog

Reason #1- I'm no good at it.

Again, it has been a while since I last posted anything. I see others updating their blogs frequently and they're very cute, yet mine hasn't been touched since August and I did something funky to my layout and I can't get it to do what I want it to. Oh well. Here is my not very creative, not very regular update.

Todd's job has been keeping him busy. He's gone to Colorado, Iraq and he's currently in Las Vegas. He's preparing for his Major's board. BUT the Air Force has realized that it has about 2,500 officers too many, so they are planning on cutting that many. Some of those cut will be JAGs and some will be from Todd's year group. We should know this summer if he is one of the people who will be cut.

I started school back in September. It has been a little crazy, but I enjoy it. I was going to school for Dental Hygeine, but I've decided to switch to Business Administration and transfer to a four year program for Accounting. I believe that I will enjoy that more since I love math and budgeting. My ideal goal is to become a Financial Planner so I can help teach people how to budget, get out of debt and save for retirement and such.

We really like our new area. We're hoping to stay here 3 or 4 years. (I know, crazy idea, huh?)

We've been looking at selling our house, but that's a little scary. We'll probably try to continue renting for another year or so, but being a long-distance landlord is no fun.

Well, there you have it folks. I will TRY to update more regularly. I've seen a couple of things from friends blogs that I think I could do that would help motivate me to update things more regularly. ... Maybe I'll give them a try. :)