Mar 28, 2011

She just makes me smile.

I want to start doing a post containing the funny things that the kids say throughout the month. I haven't started that yet, but I wanted to get this one down. On Saturday, we took the whole family to Old Country Buffet. As I'm taking Sophie up to get her food, she walks by a man and says, very loudly, 'Woah! You're really tall!' And then just continues on her way. . . . That's my Sophie!

Mar 6, 2011

Sophie's visit with Nemo

When Sophie came home on Friday she was very excited. It was FINALLY her turn to have 'Nemo' visit for the weekend. We were supposed to help her journal and take/draw pictures so when she returned Nemo and the journal on Monday the teacher could read about their adventures to the class. Sophie wanted to start taking pictures immediately!

First, she made sure that she and Nemo took their vitamins.

Then they tried on hats because 'That's what Nemo wants to do".

On Saturday, she took Nemo out to ride her bike.

Then out to eat with the family.

That night, she and Nemo asked to sleep in my bed. . .but I made them sleep in her bed after the picture.

Nemo came to church with us on Sunday, but we didn't get any pictures. Probably because he spent 2 of the 3 hours in the diaper bag.
After pancakes, Sophie wanted to play cards with Nemo.

Mar 1, 2011

Bible Trivia

Last night, for Family Home Evening, we were playing Bible Trivia. This was Noah's question and the answer he gave me.

Me- What was the name of John the Baptist's mother?
And truly distraught he said, 'How should I know, I've never seen her?!'

(He was deeply upset that he couldn't answer the question and that he wouldn't be able to move his piece. We agreed that it was very unfair for him to have to answer a question about a lady's name whom he had never seen . . .so we allowed him to answer a different one.) :)