Yesterday Lillian turned one! The kids were all very excited. Especially Sophie. She thinks it's cool that she can now say Lillian is one instead of zero. :o) We started the festivities as soon as all of the kids were home from school so that we would still have time for dinner and to get to Boy Scouts. Unfortunately, Todd missed her first birthday, but I sent him lots of pictures. We did presents with her (she refused to open any, so we pretty much just opened them and gave them to her), sang 'Happy Birthday' (which she absolutely loved!), and had the first-and-only-time-they-get-to-make-as-big-of-a-mess-as-they'd-like-to cake. She loved all of it. Even the bath at the end.
1/15/12- Happy 8th Birthday to Noah! Having a relaxing Sunday morning. Noah fasting for the first time. Noah finally opening up his presents from his birthday party and writing thank you cards. Church. Birthday cupcakes. Emailing Todd (he's back in the US). Merlin season 4 with the kids.
1/14/12- Cleaning. Isoms coming over to play. Playing the piano. Hostess snacks. Pizza. Going to William G. & Christopher K.'s baptism. Funny things kids say. Mike I. fixing the girls light fixture. Driving Kiersten & the kids home. Picking up Noah's birthday present & food. Merlin.
1/13/12- Nathaniel and Noah staying home from school. More cleaning. Lunch with Kiersten. Talking with friends. Noah's birthday party at Pump It Up. Dinner at Morton's. Good conversation with friends and some new friends. Help from Tina Johnson & Ann Carter. Lillian being ok after drinking air freshener. Merlin.
1/12/12- William and Andrew staying home from school. Cleaning. Running errands. Blogging (yay, me)! Merlin.
1/11/12- Lillian going on the potty. Watching Dora the Explorer with Lillian & not answering the door. Menu planning. Air fresheners & cleaning. My piano class being cancelled for Winter Semester. Sam Carter picking the boys up for Scouts. Chicken sandwhiches. Merlin. Talking to Andrew & Abigail about dating.
I look at these pictures and think she looks like a perfect mix of your features and Todd's. What a little cutie!